Sunday, January 21, 2007


Today I'm not talking movies.

They say change is good.

So let's talk on something else today.

Many years ago, I attended a course. It was an NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) course. Yeah, power of the mind thingy. It was a good course, but that's not the reason why I'm writing. I write as I was amazed with a lady I met at the course. A lady who I must say, who almost has everything, except one most important thing. Although to me, she should have it. And this is what I'm going on about...that one most important ingredient in life.

I need a new paragraph to talk about her.

You see, she came driven that day to the course. Well, not to be outdone (not that I knew her before the course and did not mean or had any intention to out do anyone, it' s just that if I needed to go anywhere, I'm driven too), yeah, I came driven too in's ok, in whatever (if I said it, you'd accuse me of bragging (even if it was true anyhow))...ha ha ha. Anyway, she certainly, certainly had more than me, I swear (I sound like a bitch, don't I? mmm...), in many other areas as compared to me. Well, she has 25 years more than me to start off with. I was in my very early 30s then. 25 years more is quite plenty more, I'd say. On top of that she has a title, which is higher than a Datinship. Whoa. Hmm...She probably has a bigger bank balance, far far bigger, I can sshmmell it. Honest.

Well, how was she? How did she strike me as a person? Hmm...ok. I would say, she's sort of o-o-o-k. S--o s--o. As I did not detect any sense of presence or affability. Just s--o s--o.

Why am I going on like this? I am going on like this because at the age of 55 (or there off, give and take), this lady with big title, this lady with big house, this lady with a fleet of big cars, this lady with a big bank account, this lady who travels first class, this lady had the gall to ask our course coordinator this amazing question. Brace yourself!!

She asked...

'Can you tell me how to be HAPPY.'

'How to be HAPPY????????'

How could she ask that freaking question.

With all that has been bestowed on her, all those that I have listed above, and she asked, 'How to be HAPPY?' Crikey. For the life of me! Give me all that she had. I'll show her how to be HAPPY.

I have less than her and I have already decided to be happy. I went to the course s-o-o happy to be able to acquire a new skill. I was s-o-o happy that some new horizon will open up for me with this new skill. I was s-o-o happy perhaps to meet and make new friends. I was s-o-o happy to be able to be doing something new. I was s-o-o happy to think that I will not have dementia when I'm older as I am always acquiring new skills.

There you are.

Happiness is thankfulness.

Happiness is a decision.

It is as simple as that.

Just be HAPPY.

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